Senior Big Data Engineer en KITRUM

Empleo finalizado - No se reciben más postulantes

KITRUM está reclutando este cargo a nombre de
KITRUM is a one-stop software development company headquartered in sunny Florida. We realize that one of the most crucial things for developers — is adequate clients and fascinating projects. So we qualify our clients to make sure that they:
— have an idea that they believe will make the world a better place;
— think long-term and looking for a trusted-tech partner;
— want to rely on and avoid micromanaging;
— are not f$%$ing jackasses :-)
And now we are looking for a Senior Big Data Engineer for an American project. It is an online library with 1.5 million users and 60 million materials. It’s like Netflix, only for books. Core Platform provides robust and foundational software, increasing operational excellence to scale apps and data. Client’s goal is not total architectural or design perfection, but rather choosing the right trade-offs to strike a balance between speed, quality and cost.


— Manage data quality and integrity
— Assist with building tools and technology to ensure that downstream customers can have faith in the data they’re consuming
— Cross-functional work with the Data Science or Content Engineering teams to troubleshoot, process, or optimize business-critical pipelines
— Work with Core Platform to implement better processing jobs for scaling the consumption of streaming data sets

Required skills

— 5+ years of experience in data engineering creating or managing end-to-end data pipelines on large complex datasets.
— Experience in developing scalable software using big data technologies (e.g. Hadoop, Spark, Hive, Flink, Samza, Storm, Elasticsearch, Druid, Cassandra, etc).
— Expertise in Scala
— Fluency with at least one dialect of SQL
— Level of English: Upper-Intermediate

As a plus

— Experience with Streaming platforms, typically based around Kafka
— Strong grasp of AWS data platform services and their strengths/weaknesses
— Strong experience using Jira, Slack, JetBrains IDEs, Git, GitLab, GitHub, Docker, Jenkins, Terraform
— Experience using DataBricks

We offer

— High compensation according to your technical skills
— Long-term projects (12m+) with great Customers
— 5-day working week, 8-hour working day, flexible schedule
— Democratic management style & friendly environment
— Full remote
— Annual Paid vacation — 20 b/days + unpaid vacation
— Paid sick leaves — 6 b/days per year
— 12 national holidays
— Corporate Perks (external training, English courses, corporate events/team buildings)
— Professional and personal growth

Mascotas permitidas Las mascotas son bienvenidas en la oficina.
Horario flexible Entrada y salida flexibles, libertad para realizar trámites personales o familiares.
Ausencia por enfermedad pagada Se ofrece cobertura por días no trabajados a causa de enfermedad (pueden aplicar límites).
Computadora Scribd proporciona una computadora para tu trabajo.
Vestimenta informal Scribd no exige ningún código de vestimenta.

Política de trabajo remoto

Remoto sólo localmente

El trabajo es 100% remoto, pero los candidatos deben residir en Sudamérica para postular.

Sólo empleos que valen la pena.
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